How to Post on WordPress (Part 3 of 3)

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Learning how to post on WordPress is not that big a deal and it’s definitely not something you should be intimidated by. The basics really are pretty simple and I’ll go over them right here for those of you who need this information.

If this is your first time here and you are about to make your first post to WordPress then I suggest you first look into how to set up a WordPress custom permalink structure before you continue with this tutorial as permalinks are a very important aspect with regards to the SEO for your site.

How to Post on WordPress for Maximum SEO Benefit

The first thing you need to take into account is what keywords you are trying to rank for, if you have no idea how to add keywords to your website that people are actually searching for then you should perhaps try out the permanently free demo on this premium keyword research tool which will help you to get thousands of great keywords free of charge. Once you have an idea of the keywords you are targeting we can get going on your first post properly.

WordPress Post Title

The WordPress post title is one of the most important factors which with regards to a search engines decision on where it ranks you. Let’s say just for example you want to rank for the words ‘how to post on WordPress’, you want this to appear in the actual title of your post. That will be the first thing you do on your post, put the keyword in your post title!

If you have long tails of your keyword then you might make your WordPress title include one of these longtail also but not at the expense of breaking up your actual main keyword target. This is a trap that I often fall into, even on this website! A better option is to make a new post that is targeted directly to that keyword, UNLESS you can target it sufficiently within a this first post because it runs along a similar theme.

As an example, this post is around the theme of ‘how to make a post on WordPress’ but at the same time i think I am covering the concept of the ‘WordPress post title’ so I can quite happily target that keyword with this post also.

WordPress Post URL

The WordPress post URL (also known as the WordPress post Slug) is the address for your post once it has been published. If somebody were to type the exact address into their browser then they would come directly to your page. I won’t go too deeply into it here as instructions on how to set up your WordPress page URL have already been covered in part 2 of this to post on wordpress

What I will try to drill into you is the fact that you should again try to include the main target keywords for your post within this URL. If your first move when you make your first post to WordPress was to address the post title then your URL will automatically update with the keywords you have included. If not, hit the edit button and type in the keywords you would like to rank for.

WordPress Post Content (Or How to add Keywords to Your Website)

This is a tricky subject; a lot of people will tell you that you need to have your keywords within your post a certain amount of times per 100 words or a certain percentage of the time. My advice on how to add keywords to your website: Write naturally while trying to include your keywords. Anyone who is trying to build a successful internet business should avoid keyword stuffing; this looks bad and will result in your readers clicking away. It may also tell the search engines that your site is spam. Keep it real and don’t put keywords into your text unless they actually fit.

A good rule of thumb is to include a keyword no more than once per 100 keywords while bearing in mind that your long tails include the initial target keyword within them. This is only a rule of thumb that I use and should not be taken as a concrete ideal, it is more just an idea to keep in mind that helps to keep you away from stuffing your post with your keywords.

A Keyword Breakdown

The Post WordPress will make for public availability will include these targeted keywords once I hit the ‘publish’ button:

  • how to add keywords
  • how to add keywords to your website
  • wordpress post title
  • wordpress post url
  • how to post on wordpress
  • wordpress post slug
  • post to wordpress
  • post wordpress

It’s a norm that nobody will EVER tell you the words they are trying to rank for but here’s another little secret. Search engines like it when you include your keywords in a heading or in bold/italicized text.

Well… deary, deary me. I seem to have made the whole keyword list bold and I might just have put a few of them into headings within this post also.

What a terrible mistake!

Well, it’s a mistake on a site like this where keyword short idiots leech stuff for themselves but it is a great way to teach you new guys how to optimize a post.

Are all keywords in the header? No!

Are all keywords in the URL? No!

Are all the keywords related? Yes!!!

That’s how you go about making a WordPress SEO post.

Does that make you rank No1? Maybe… But probably not. Keep your eyes peeled for a new post called “

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